
Everything Is Black and White

I'm mad for Mcqueen's black and white plaid and houndstooth F/W 2009 and Please Dress Up's plaid skirt I mentioned awhile ago.

Black and White is so fundamental and basic. Totally drawn to the simplicity and contrast so much my whole wardrobe's taken a turn. B/W + 1 color. Here's a B/W plaid skirt I made out of a schoolmarmish maxi-skirt. I totally deconstructed it to get the Please Dress Up look (in cotton! not wool--it's almost spring)

Heinous 80's maxi skirt about 2 sizes too small for me:

After completely deconstructing it and putting it back together:

Here's detail (I used the original waist as a V-shaped fringe on the belly)

Here's a picture of the back it's pleated almost like a bustle.

1 comment:

DRWiener said...

I like the front of the dress a lot - good job. Is this one cool? Do you like this one? I bet you could do something rad with it.